
Work with me and I will help you achieve your best self. As a biologist and health coach, I have a unique perspective on how your personal biology can affect your wellness and what steps you can take to achieve a healthy, balanced life.

I particularly understand how stress can be the catalyst behind an assortment of symptoms from neurological (e.g. brain fog, reactivity, and anxiety) to physical (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disease, hormonal imbalances, and limbic system dysfunction).

Stress may arise from unlikely sources. For instance, physical stress may be related to gut infections, poor digestionblood sugar imbalances, a poor diet, or bad sleep. A lack of social connection, communication challenges, or work-life balance can lead to emotional stress. Whereas chemicals, like those found in pesticides, could be another source of stress.

Our body reacts to all these different stressors in a similar way— it kicks in our sympathetic nervous system, responsible for our fight, flight, or freeze response, so we can escape potential threats. When this happens, we shift away from our parasympathetic nervous system that is responsible for resting, digesting, and detoxification. If this stress is chronic, then we become inflamed and unwell.

With all the sources of stress in our modern world, managing your health can be overwhelming, especially during this time of uncertainty and change. However, we can look to the lifestyle of our ancestors for direction: eat a nutrient-dense diet, stay connected to your tribe, move your body, and spend more time outdoors. From this ancient wisdom we can achieve a balanced, healthy life.

I can help you identify your stressors, so you can take control of your life. As you transition to a more peaceful, healthier you, I can support you in lifestyle changes and creating new, lasting habits. Learn how to grow through challenges and develop tools to reduce stress for a more resilience immune system and happier you. Please contact me for a free health coaching session.

In Good Health,